Professor Teresio Avitabile was born in Taranto on 25/06/1957; he graduated from High School Galileo Galilei, Manduria, Italy in July 1976 with grades 60/60.

In August 1981, he won a grant to attend the Department of Ultrasound of the University Eye Clinic II ‘of Vienna led by Professor Peter TILL.

In March 1982, he participated in the V Course of the International School in Ultrasonology: Ultrasound investigation in Ophthalmology directed by Professor Carlo ALVISI held at the “Centro Ettore Majorana” in Erice. On 28- 6-1982 he graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bari discussing an experimental Clinical Ophthalmological thesis with Professor Luigi CARDIA, titled “Echography in orbital bone pathology: our experience ” obtaining maximum marks with honors from the commission and the publication of the thesis. In August 1982, having won a grant for foreign studies, he attended the Ophthalmological Clinic directed by Professor Augustus DEUTMANN and the bio-physical laboratory of the Catholic University of Nijmegen (Holland).

In November 1982, he obtained his licence to practice at the University of Bari. In the academic year 1982 – ’83 he began his Residency in Ophthalmology at the University of Bari, directed by Professor Luigi CARDIA.

From July 1983 to November 1986, he was part of the Operative Unit of Bari for the project on Biomedical Technology of the C.N.R. sub-project Ultrasound, under the direction of Professor Alfredo REIBALDI. In November 1984, he attended the Department of Ophthalmology of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

On 7-6-1985, the Board of Directors of the Southern Ophthalmological Society awarded him the silver medal “G. Favaloro” for the year 1985.

On 16-7-1986 he specialized in ophthalmology discussing with Professor Luigi CARDIA an experimental thesis with the title “About iris receptors and the human ciliary body: clinical-experimental correlations” he obtained the maximum mark with honors and the publication of the thesis.

On 6-9-1986 he was nominated winner of the four-year grant of the Specialization School in Ophthalmology at the University of Bari held by the Ministry of Public Instruction with a public examination for 1115 grants to attend specialization schools in Italian Universities.

On 10-11-1986 the Italian Ophthalmological Society awarded him the S.O.I. 1986 prize.

From 1-11-1986 to 31-10-1988 he attended the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Catania directed by Professor Alfredo REIBALDI with the position of resident physician ratified by the faculty and from 4-10-1988 as 8th level technical physician.

From November 1986 to April 2005, Prof. Avitabile was head of the Retina and Ultrasonography service of the Department of Ophthalmology of the University of Catania allocated at the S. Marta Hospital, Catania, Italy.

On 10-6-1989 the Board of Directors of the Meridional Ophthalmological Society awarded him the “A. Bonaccorsi” prize.

On 21 May 2001, he was nominated by the Rector of the University of Cagliari, Associate Professor in the Scientific-Disciplinary sector F14X; Diseases of Ophthalmology.

With the D.R. n° 1164 of 29.10.2001, he was nominated by the Rector of the University of Catania “not confirmed” Associate Professor with effect from 1/11/2001.

With the D.R. n° 234 of 14.06.2004 he was nominated by the Rector of the University of Catania “confirmed” Associate Professor in the Scientific-Disciplinary sector MED/30; Diseases of Ophthalmology with effect from 01.11.2004.

With the D.R. n° 1101 of 11.05.06, he was nominated by the Rector of the University of Pavia as suitable full professor for the Scientific-Disciplinary sector MED/30: Diseases of Ophthalmology.

With D.R. 485/IR of 30/11/2006, he was nominated by the Rector of the University of Catania full professor of “Diseaes of Ophthalmology” MED/30.

From June 2005 to November 2012 Prof Avitabile was appointed Chairman of the Second Eye Clinic – University Hospital “Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele” in Catania and from November 2012 to the present he has been appointed Chairman of both, First and Second Eye Clinics – University Hospital “Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele” in Catania.

Since January 2010, he is General Secretary and Treasurer of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology.

From 2013 member of the European Academy of Ophthalmology.

Author of 117 paper (Scopus), H-index 21.

Prof. Avitabile has performed more than 6800 surgeries from 1 January 1987 to 30 March 2019.