1988 Retina and vitreous fellowship granted after having completed two years of clinical training at the University of Ottawa, School of Medicine, Canada.
1981 Ophthalmology degree granted after fulfilling four years of residency requirements at Rome University (La Sapienza), School of Medicine, Italy.
1976 Medical Degree, Rome University (La Sapienza), Italy.

Professional Experience;
1992- till now – Private practice at the Jordan Hospital acting as Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology. The department is well known in dealing with complicated vitreoretinal surgeries.
Member of the examination committee for ophthalmology at the Jordan Medical Council
Before 1992, served in the public sector at King Hussein Medical Sector, Al Basheer Hospital and Jordan University Hospital.
Trained several regional doctors in the field of Retina and Vitreous Surgery.
Board member of Middle East Africa Vitreo-Retinal Society (MEAVRS).