Project Description

Dr Thomas Baliakos, eye surgeon and scientific director of ANIMUS. Born in Larissa, Greece in 1973,where he finished secondary education. He obtained the medical degree in ‘’La Sapienza’’ of Rome in 2002. He worked as an internal doctor in the University Hospital of ‘’l’Aquilla’’ in 2002-2003. From 2003-2004 he worked as an internal doctor in the department of pathology and surgery in the Military hospital 404 of Larissa. In 2004-2006 he completed his service as a rural doctor in the Medical Center of Tyrnavos. In 2006-2008 he worked as a general doctor in the geriatric clinic of ‘’Ippokrateio’. From 2008 to 2012 he worked as an internal doctor in the department of ophthalmology in the Universita hospital of Larissa. Since 2012 he maintains his own medical practice and he operates throughout the clinics of the city. In 2013 he followed a surgical retraining in eye cataract in Chennai, India. In March of 2018 he started his retraining in the macula and retina surgery at the ESASO (EUROPEAN SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED STUDIES IN OPHTHALMOLOGY) in Lugano, Switzerland. Dr Baliakos is very experienced in the surgery of the cataract, glaucoma, macular and retina diseases, in Paediatric Ophthalmology, in refractive surgery (myopia-hyperopia-astigmatism laser) and in eyelid surgery with plenty of operations on his track record.